‘Par les ondes,’ by Mathieu Dufois, 2014

Mathieu Dufois, Par les ondes, 2014. Short film, HD 16:9, 12 minutes, 55 seconds. Director-Producer Mathieu Dufois. Music by Marc Hurtado. Courtesy La Galerie Particulière, Paris and Brussels.


Mathieu Dufois is a French artist whose work explores how memories of places and events are affected by cinema. His 2014 short film Par les ondes navigates through a city, which is visibly in ruin. Spectral forms appear in the rubble, each of which resembles the archetypal characters of film noir.


Envisioning drawing as a way to decode cinematic images, Dufois uses drawing to add trompe l’oeil detail to his paper figures and sets. About drawing, Dufois has said: “[It] is equal to an almost archaeological action which brings to the surface, like a magnetic force, the memories or emotional substance of a period forged by a number of cinematic works, buried now by lack of interest or indifference but which formed the collective conscience of several generations.”


To submit a video proposal to our online gallery, please email Amber Harper, Assistant Curator, at amoyles@drawingcenter.org, including a brief description and a video link.