‘TJ’ and ‘Box’ by Tim Stokes

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Tim Stokes, T J and Box, 2008. Animations created with black metal paint on paper.


Tim Stokes is based in South Wales and works as an artist, technician and arts educator supporting a range of diverse projects, working with other artists and designers. His personal work is time-based; through the forms of animation, video and performance. His work has been shown across the UK and also in Germany and Brazil.


T J and Box are handmade animations translated from original home video footage. Using video fragments broken down into individual frames, Stokes reinterpreted them through drawing on paper. These drawings were collated, scanned and resurrected into a new form: evidencing loss in their reinterpretation and offering a sense of ambiguity. The familiar has been destroyed and reconstructed through a personal narrative. The original videos were indicators of memory – holding onto a moment – whilst the animations, through their erosion, suggest the inability of ever truly being able to do so.


Tim Stokes is featured on The Drawing Center’s online gallery as part of an exchange with Mission Gallery in Swansea, UK organized by Amanda Roderick (Director of Mission Gallery, Swansea) and Amber Harper (Assistant Curator of The Drawing Center, New York). The collaboration celebrates Mission Gallery’s New York Season, which celebrates the gallery’s connection with cultural organizations via Residency Unlimited.